Thursday, April 9, 2009

So what's with this blog?

I decided to create a second blog (if you just stumbled in here, I write about all things book-related at Tammy's Book Nook) as a place where I could post about the things I do to try and improve myself. I know, that sounds SO self-absorbed, and I don't mean it in a "Oh, look at me, I'm so progressive" kind of way. I just realize that I'm full of flaws and, rather than take a passive approach and hope they go away on their own, I'm trying to be active about it. I'm pretty happy with myself overall, I just know that I'm not going to be the same person in 10, 20, or 30 years that I am now and I want to take part in making myself the person that I'll become.

I've also found that complacency is an easy hole to fall into. Ever since I was a teenager, I knew that I didn't want to be one of those elderly people who look back on their lives and wonder where it all went, to feel that life missed me by. But it's not enough to know that, you have to do something about it. One of the big ways that I'm encouraging myself to actively live my life is my 101 Things in 1001 Days project (kind of a short-term bucket list, without the bucket). You can check out my goals in the sidebar. My plan is to post about my progress, along with my accomplishments and struggles to change evolve, and to throw in little fun tidbits here and there. My ultimate goal is to enjoy my life, improve my mind and soul, and keep a youthful heart and outlook.

I hope you enjoy from my posts!